Saturday 10 April 2010

More Lumps :(

Well some more sad news in The Whiskery this week.

Firstly we found another lump on Molly, my old pet-shop girl, right under her arm, so another mammary tumor we all think. I am so devestated as she was one of my first rats, but she seems OK in herself at the moment, eating, drinking and being a rat, so I don't think her time is just yet.

Secondly, I found another lump, in exactly the same place, on my overweight year old doe Maggie, so she should hopefully be able to have an op and be right-as-rain soon.

so obviosly not the best news I have had in one week, but then again, we will just make Molly comfortable and book Maggie in next week to get checked out my the vet

Nic & The Whiskery

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