Monday 26 April 2010

R.I.P Molly Rat

Unfortunatly, I found Molly Curled up outside a nest in the explorer cage last night, she had obviosly fallen asleep and drifted off some point yesterday afternoon surrounded by her friends.

She will be sorely missed by everyone here but can now run free at the Rainbow Bridge young and healthy again
Molly-?/11/07 - 25/04/10

Nic & The Whiskery

Saturday 10 April 2010

More Lumps :(

Well some more sad news in The Whiskery this week.

Firstly we found another lump on Molly, my old pet-shop girl, right under her arm, so another mammary tumor we all think. I am so devestated as she was one of my first rats, but she seems OK in herself at the moment, eating, drinking and being a rat, so I don't think her time is just yet.

Secondly, I found another lump, in exactly the same place, on my overweight year old doe Maggie, so she should hopefully be able to have an op and be right-as-rain soon.

so obviosly not the best news I have had in one week, but then again, we will just make Molly comfortable and book Maggie in next week to get checked out my the vet

Nic & The Whiskery