Tuesday 23 March 2010

Picies of Molly Rat

Well, seeing as Molly Rat doesn't have a huge amount of time left with us due to her large mammary tumour, I thought I would post a few of the pics I have of her, there are loads :)

well, thats some of the better ones I have of her, if I get anymore or find anymore hidden on my laptop, I'll post them up

Nic & The Whiskery

Sunday 21 March 2010

The Whiskery Gerbils

Right, last lot of critters, :)

Sid, my old boy gerbil, born roughly May 2007, loves scritches before running off to chew something else ;)

Alf, Sid's brother, now deceased a few months ago of old age :( He and his brother were my first ever pets, and its they that introduced me to rodents and for that I will always be grateful.

Nic & The Whiskery

Saturday 20 March 2010

The Whiskery Mice

Well, continuing on from my previous post, I present

The Whiskery Mice

Suger, my old pet shop doe, about 1.5 years old so getting on a bit,

Daphne, another old doe, a self black with a white tail tip, She came from a breeder nearby with her sister Dori (RIP) and Companion Pheobe (RIP. Daphne is just over a year old now.

Bean, one of my new mice, a gorgeous black tan girl, from a breeder friend of mine, she is still very young, 8/9 weeks old and jumping round the place like popcorn

Bubble, a dove tan girly, sister to Bean and just as mad !

well, thats the mice. We are currently going through introductions for these meeces, its going quite well, everyone is in one nest now, hurrah !!

Nic & The Whiskery

Friday 19 March 2010

The Whiskery Rats

Hi guys, I thought instead of publishing a seperate post for each rat, mouse or gerbil, I'd do them one species per post, less work for me ;) I will still do individual posts for each critter over the course of this blog, but for now ...

The Whiskery Rats

Molly, a mink hoodie, one of my old pet shop Does, born aprox 6th November 2007, named after my maternal grandmother. Molly has a large mammary tumor, and is enjoying her last weeks being spoilt rotten ;)
Molly in her youth

Daisy, a black hoodie, sister to Molly, 6th November 2007, named after my paternal Grandmother, and, along with Molly, were my first ever rats and got me so hooked on their wonderful little world

Tilly, a cinamon pearl, a lovely little girl, from a NFRS registered breeder born on 28th July 2009, she has such a character, always the one at the centre of the trouble ;)

Ellie, sister to Tilly and a cheeky little cinnamon girl who loves lounging about in hammocks and stuffing her face full of kale :)

Barbara, A.K.A Babs, a self black girl who is a dedicated shoulder rat and muncher of yogies, loves double thickness hammocks and taking snoozes. From another NFRS registered breeder along with her sister Dorathy. DoB-24th September 2009

Dorathy, A.K.A Dotty, another self black and identical sister to Babs, another double thickness hammock lover, Babs is also a dedicated shoulder rat, or rather neck rat ;)DoB-24th September 2009. These two are affectionatly know as The Terrible Two !

Hilda, a pretty little Siamese girl, named affectionatly after my aunt. Hilda came from the same breeder as Babs and Dotty. DoB-24th September 2009

Maggie, a big russian blue girl, who came from the same breeder of Ellie and Tilly, though not bred by her, who loves her food and needs a strict diet to get rid of that midlife podge ;) Maggie was born around December 2008.

Gemma is a little rescue agouti rex girl with gorgeous dumbo ears . Gemma loves to lick thumbs, and she loves hoods xx DoB aprox May/June 2009,

MiMi, another rescue girl, a chocolate hoodie, a shy character but she's easily bribed with hemp seeds, a real favorite in The Whiskery !! DoB February/March 2009

well, thats the rats, 10 does all in the explorer cage, which I will post some picies of soon,

Nic & The Whiskery

Intro and Constrcutive Criticism please

Hey Guys,

my names Nic & here it is, The Whiskery Blog, and my how long has it taken me to make this. i never realised just how slow I was at this computing lark, i feel a bit old ;)

I suppose I created this blog to let you all know whats going on in The whiskery, which is the name of our rodent room, containing rats, mice and gerbils, and hopefully some other furry criters soon :) All the animals in The Whiskery are very much a big part of the family, and pet biohraphies with be coming shortly, I hope you enjoy it.

Now to the second part of my first post, a little bit of constructive criticism wanted please, ie.

what do you think of the layout, the colours, the fonts, the visual side of it?

Any other bits and piecies that you think would be helpful to me, please comment

thats all guys, see you soon

Nic and The Whiskery